Does Hypnosis Work For Pain Management?

Pain, whether physical or emotional, is exhausting.

Pain is nature’s way of letting you know something is wrong yet sometimes, we have an operation or get a knee replacement and the pain persists.

Hypnosis can help once the Doctor tells you that there is nothing else they can do except medicate you. During hypnotic sessions, we let the body know that we received the message, changed what we could, and now we need to do something different.

Our bodies are miraculous. Our bodies know how to send the signals so that we don’t continue walking around with a broken bone. And, sometimes we need to remind our mind how to shut out those signals or lower the volume. Well, the hypnosis sessions can make it happen.

What is the Effectiveness of Hypnosis for Pain Management?

Since the middle of the 1800s, hypnosis for pain relief and as anesthesia have been used extensively. A Scottish surgeon working in India by 1846, James Esdaile, recorded almost 300 major operations in which he employed hypnosis as an anesthetic. He added that the death rates from these painless surgeries were significantly lower, particularly from shock following surgery.

More recently, a 2019 article describes the effectiveness of hypnosis for chronic pain management, postoperative pain, acute back pain, etc.

The effectiveness of hypnosis with surgical patients was examined in a 2002 meta-analysis of published controlled studies. Based on the findings, 89% of patients in control groups did not have as good of results from surgery as did surgical patients in hypnosis treatment groups.

In 2007, a randomly selected group of 200 breast surgery patients received hypnosis before their procedures. At discharge, the participants reported reduced levels of pain, nausea, tiredness, discomfort, and psychological distress compared to the control group.

I personally received a Pain Management Certification from an Army Nurse named Ron Eslinger who teaches many hypnotists about the who, what, when, and how-to’s when clients experience pain that has no medical explanation.  

The Benefits of Hypnosis for Pain Management

There are a lot of good reasons to investigate hypnosis as a substitute for conventional pain management techniques.

 Among the benefits of using hypnosis for pain relief are:

  • It is drug-free. One of the primary advantages of hypnosis for pain is that it eliminates the need for costly and potentially addictive medications.
  • It’s safe: In contrast to harsh side effects that can occur from medication or other treatments, hypnosis is a safe and effective method of managing pain.
  • It works quickly: Because hypnosis is a solution-based therapy treatment, the duration is typically short. After a few sessions, many people can manage their pain symptoms effectively

People who may benefit from hypnosis for pain management control include:

  • Patients with chronic pain who are looking for chronic pain management treatment to manage their pain and their lives. 
  • Individuals who can’t take pain medication
  • Cancer patients can minimize the side effects of their medications
  • Those suffering from fibromyalgia or arthritis

 Hypnosis can help clients manage and reduce pain after major surgeries.

Connect with me, when you are ready!

If you’re willing to try hypnosis for pain control and believe in the benefits of hypnosis, then it’s time to take the next step. Schedule your free consultation with Donna Brown Hypnosis. I’m a Certified Hypnotist in Houston and together we’ll dive deep to understand the root causes of pain and get started with a personalized session curated just for you.


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