Terms of Event Bookings

Thank You for choosing Innovative Visions, Inc.

Welcome to Donna Brown Hypnosis, Emotion Code®, Body Code®, Access Bar®, Access Energetic Facelift®, and other offerings associated with hypnosisDiscovery Healing Modalities, and Access Consciousness Verbal and Body Processes. We do our very best to ensure that you get the highest quality services available via certifications and experience using these modalities.

The above modalities are considered alternative or complementary to services licensed by the stateThey are very powerful processes that have helped thousands of people to make the kinds of changes they want to make in their lives.  However, these processes are not mind control or magic bullets.  For example, no one, not even the very best hypnotist, could make you lose weight, or stop smoking if you really don’t want to.  Most people (but not everyone) begin to experience the benefits from the very first session, and many times are able to get what they need in 3 to 5 sessions for most issues.  Results are highly individualized from person to person which is the reason you choose how many sessions work for you.

Ultimately, you are responsible for the changes that occur as a result of our services.  This is both “good” and “bad.”  It is “good” because, after you have made the changes that you want, you deserve a great deal of the credit, and this knowledge helps you to make more changes in your life.  But, on the other hand, it is bad because we cannot guarantee that the changes will come about.  In fact, this is true in any situation where a professional is trying to help you.  There is always a human factor.  Doctors don’t guarantee that you will get well.  Teachers can’t guarantee that you will learn, and lawyers can’t guarantee that you will “win” your case.  What we can guarantee is the very best service, using current information and appropriate techniques for your situation. The practice of hypnosis and energy work is not an exact science: therefore, results are not guaranteed, nor are refunds given for services rendered.

Cancellations, Missed Appointments, and Rescheduling Appointments Policy.  Clients will not be charged if the client cancels or reschedules twenty-four (24) hours before the day of the appointment.  For example, if the appointment is on Thursday at 4 p.m., in order not to be charged for an appointment, our office must be notified of the change no later than Wednesday at 4 pm. No Exceptions.  Clients making cancellations, missing appointments or rescheduling on the day of the appointment will be charged (at half rate for the service) for the time scheduled for that day, because we will be unable to utilize that time to schedule in another client upon such short notice.  No Exceptions.  This is done to ensure that our appointment times are being best utilized.  If we are given enough advance notice, then we can schedule our clients efficiently.  We thank you for your respect, courtesy, and understanding in this matter and we look forward to serving you.

Disclaimer:  Donna Brown is not a medical doctor, a licensed health care provider or a psychologist. She does not treat or diagnose medical or mental health problems.  She does not bill insurance companies for services.  Services are something you will pay for personally.  That will help you value the work you do during each session.  We cannot guess how many sessions will be necessary. If you have more than one issue, more sessions will be needed.  Client records are confidential.  Release of these records must be authorized in writing by the client, or otherwise provided by law.  There is a charge for copying client records.